HI, MY NAME IS… Nadine Bubeck

I’VE LIVED IN SCOTTSDALE SINCE AUGUST 2010… when I first started as a traffic anchor for the local CBS Morning News. Fast forward a husband and three kids later, I love Scottsdale because of our beautiful community.

A TYPICAL DAY IN MY LIFE INCLUDES… as a mom of three boys 10 and under, I’ve morphed into a lunch-making, taxi-driving, school volunteer who spends the schoolyear working until the clock strikes 3 p.m. You can find me on the sidelines at my boys’ sports games or tending to playdates. At night, I’m on homework duty, or can be found book-clubbing with my awesome neighborhood. My mom friends and I prioritize escape time and can often be found doing happy hour at the McCormick Ranch Mercado. In the summers, we escape, as our family is all about travel, exploration, and adventure.

In addition to momm’ing, I do PR, write for dozens of print magazines and online publications, and do monthly TV segments (I’m a lifestyle/travel contributor often seen on “Arizona Daily Mix”). You can find me on Instagram @mamaandmyboys. As much as I love being a mom first, I’ve always believed in maintaining a sense of self, and I’m always dreaming up new ideas and endeavors. In fact, I recently launched Gift of Gab Kids, an innovative program that instills in kids the courage, confidence, and skills to be strong public speakers. We also have an online family travel hub, Take the Trip Family.

MY FAMILY IS… my husband, Nate, who is basically a Scottsdale native and the backbone of our family and my rock. We have three boys: Nicholas, Zachary (Zaza), and Alex – my heart and soul; to me, life before them was only life leading up to them.

Nicholas, our oldest, is an old soul with a zest for adventure. Always down to try something new, super fearless, and a lover of art and music. He writes a monthly column for “Epic Kids” newspaper!

Zaza is our sports-obsessed middle boy with a heart of gold. He’s a self-proclaimed animal whisperer who loves hiking, the beach, and snow. He never goes anywhere without a football and can throw a mean spiral.
Alex, our sweet and spicy tenacious “baby,” loves great white sharks, Iron Maiden, Transformers, and tossing himself in ocean waves.

ONE THING I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT IS… my four guys. And friends that have become family.

MY FAVORITE MOVIE I COULD NEVER GET TIRED OF WATCHING AND WHY… is a hard one! Something funny? My husband is a bigger movie buff than I am.

WHEN I WAS YOUNGER, I WANTED TO BE… a news anchor. In fact, when we wrote our autobiographies (maybe in third grade?), I said I wanted to be Diane Sawyer or Katie Couric.

THE SONG I WOULD SING AT KARAOKE NIGHT IS… “Friends in Low Places” (with my son Zaza as sidekick, as he knows every word), or “Country Roads.”

THE PEOPLE WHO MOTIVATE ME ARE… my boys. They keep me going, keep me inspired, and keep me motivated. As hard as life can get at times, they’re still my purpose and reason to keep dreaming and keep doing.

THE LAST THING THAT MADE ME LAUGH OUT LOUD WAS… as I answer these interview questions, we’re on a massive summer road-trip, currently in Half Moon Bay, California. Last night we were eating pizza on our patio and a racoon literally popped up! It was horrifying and humorous! A total “Great Outdoors” moment!

THE PERFECT DAY IS… traveling with my guys. Anywhere. Jumping off a yacht in Costa Rica, riding at a dude ranch, or ziplining through towering canyons in Colorado. Or simply playing card games.

MY LIFE IS… full and blessed.

THE BEST GIFT I’VE EVER RECEIVED WAS… the gift of our neighborhood. We have such good families that look after each other and care about one another. I love feeling that sense of foundation. And it’s so cool our kids – ranging many ages – feel a sense of family in each other.

MY DREAM VACATION WOULD BE… now I’m stumped! I’ll never say no to exploring something new. In the eyes of a child, there are not seven wonders of the world. To a child, there are seven million. When you travel with kids, you give them things that can never be taken away: experience, exposure, and a way of life. It’s a lesson to instill, that not all classrooms have four walls.