HI, MY NAME IS… April Prothero.

I’VE LIVED IN THE VALLEY FOR THREE YEARS AND I LOVE IT BECAUSE… there is so much to do! I love to hike and be outdoors and there are plenty of mountains for me to climb nearby. My favorite hike is the Piestewa Peak Summit hike. The views from the top are incredible!

A TYPICAL DAY IN MY LIFE INCLUDES… waking up early to feed and walk my dog, Pepper, going for a run in my neighborhood, working from my office in Tempe to catch up with my team, and then walking somewhere for dinner with my partner, Chad. We usually wrap up the evening watching Netflix or reading a good book!

MY FAMILY IS… all over the U.S. My brother and sister in law are in Washington DC, my mom and stepdad are in Queen Creek, and I’ve got extended family from Seattle to Baltimore!

ONE THING I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT IS… my water bottle and Chapstick! Maybe it’s growing up here in the desert, but my friends make fun of me because you will never see me leave the house without them!

MY FAVORITE MOVIE I COULD NEVER GET TIRED OF WATCHING AND WHY IS… “Tombstone”! I love to imagine living in the wild west and Doc Holliday has some really great one-liners in this flick.

WHEN I WAS YOUNGER, I WANTED TO BE… a teacher! Even though I don’t have any of my own, I love kids and always thought it would be awesome to have a positive impact on someone’s life as many teachers I grew up with impacted mine. Now I own a non-toxic housecleaning business, and I use my desire to impact others in a positive way by being the best leader I can be.

THE SONG I WOULD SING AT KARAOKE NIGHT IS… “Islands in the Stream” by Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers. My partner, Chad, and I have performed this one at a couple of karaoke nights and we always get a laugh because we’re terrible singers!
THE ONE PERSON WHO MOTIVATES ME IS… my dad. He passed away when I was in my early 20s and because of that I have been inspired to live life to the fullest, to always be kind, and to take risks!

THE LAST THING THAT MADE ME LAUGH OUT LOUD WAS… my mini-dachshund, Pepper. Lately she gets such a kick out of chasing an empty plastic water bottle all over the house. She is such a goofball all the time, she always cracks me up!

THE PERFECT DAY IS… waking up overlooking the beach, a leisurely brunch, a massage, and maybe some sushi for dinner!

MY FAVORITE LOCAL NONPROFIT IS… H.E.L.P Snackz – Homeless Engagement Life Partnership is an organization that assembles healthy bags of food for kids in our community that are homeless or displaced. It’s run by a woman with a HUGE heart by the name of Dawn Marie Rapaport.

MY LIFE IS… by design. I work really hard to have a life that I’m proud of and happy to live. I am also very lucky to have amazing friends, family, and a loving and supportive partner.

THE BEST GIFT I’VE EVER RECEIVED WAS… when Chad took me to La Paz Mexico for my 40th birthday and booked a whale watching tour. We were very lucky to encounter all kinds of marine life that day, including a huge pod of Orcas that played by our boat for two hours. I still pinch myself when I think of that memory.

MY DREAM VACATION WOULD BE… staying in an overwater bungalow in Fiji! I’ve seen pictures of this island paradise and can’t wait to get out there someday soon!

THE BEST PIECE OF ADVICE I’VE EVER RECEIVED IS… don’t take it personally! A business coach drilled me with this motto when I was starting my business 12 years ago because I took everything so personally. I’ve learned that everyone has their own journey and I’m only in control of my own.