HI, MY NAME IS… Laura Page.

MY OCCUPATION IS… senior advisor to a United States Congressman.

I’VE LIVED IN PEORIA IN THE TRILOGY COMMUNITY FOR TWO AND A HALF YEARS AND I LOVE IT BECAUSE… it’s so beautiful and there is a real sense of community here.

A TYPICAL DAY IN MY LIFE INCLUDES… I am a very early riser because I have so much I want to accomplish everyday. My day starts out with an excellent cup of coffee delivered to me by my husband of over 40 years and good morning texts to close friends and family. My husband and I enjoy our coffee chat time before we go our separate ways. I head off to my home office to catch-up on emails and phone calls with colleagues in D.C. and in the district. I spend most of my work day reading legislation, policy, and helping constituents with federally related issues. I am a public servant at heart. Work is very rewarding and fulfilling because I enjoy helping people. When I take a break, I usually get out into the great outdoors for a walk or a hike with friends and my dog, Summer. I like to spend time in the kitchen with my husband fixing healthy meals we can enjoy together while sharing our day. In the evening, I usually check-in with our family via text, call, or video chat. Video chats are the best when you don’t have family near. We are scattered throughout the U.S., so starting and ending the day checking-in is important to me.

MY FAMILY IS… my husband and best friend, Mark. We have two sons, Blake (35) and Grant (32). Blake is married to our daughter-in-law, Alex, and they have two sons, Oliver (3 ½) and Nico (20 months). Grant is engaged to Amanda.

ONE THING I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT IS… my family, close friends, my dog, and of course, COFFEE!
MY FAVORITE MOVIE I COULD NEVER GET TIRED OF WATCHING AND WHY IS … “Gone With the Wind.” It reminds me that nothing ever stays the same. Life is constantly changing like the ebb and flow of the tide. You need to be adaptable and strong.


THE SONG I WOULD SING AT KARAOKE NIGHT IS… Pat Benatar’s “Hit Me with Your Best Shot” because I am known in my close circles as a tough chick!

THE ONE PERSON WHO MOTIVATES ME IS… my husband. He has always been my biggest fan.

THE LAST THING THAT MADE ME LAUGH OUT LOUD WAS… when my toddler grandson was visiting recently, he asked me, “Nona, who is in charge at this house?” I responded, “Me!” and he quickly informed me quite confidently, “No, Nona, I am in charge!” Well, I guess you can surmise how that visit went!

THE PERFECT DAY IS… sitting in a lounge chair on the beach or the edge of a lake with my family and friends laughing, reminiscing, and contemplating life. We solve a lot of the world’s problems, or at least we think we do.
MY FAVORITE LOCAL NONPROFIT IS… Dysart Community Center. They do so much for local children. The children are so appreciative and touched by the love they are shown from the community. The Woman’s Club in Trilogy, that I belong to, supports this organization as one of their nonprofits.

MY LIFE IS… more than I could ever have dreamed of. That’s not to say there haven’t been ups and downs, but I have been so blessed with loving people to support me in my many dreams and ventures.

THE BEST GIFT I’VE EVER RECEIVED WAS… my two sons and grandsons. The day they were born changed my life for the better each and every time. I can’t express in mere words how they have impacted my life.

MY DREAM VACATION WOULD BE… relaxing by the water or exploring anywhere new. I have to mix it up with something that is challenging my brain, as it is difficult for me to just relax. I love to learn about the history of people, places, and things of the world and never want to stop.

THE BEST PIECE OF ADVICE I’VE EVER RECEIVED IS… life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. You are in charge of your future!