HI, MY NAME IS… Laurie Ames-Husband.

I’VE LIVED IN ARIZONA FOR OVER 30 YEARS AND I LOVE IT BECAUSE… of the climate and all the outdoor activities available. Of course, September may not be my favorite month when it is still very hot here and everywhere else in the country is cooling down. My family lives here and I love being close to them.

A TYPICAL DAY IN MY LIFE INCLUDES… working out, going to me and my husband’s business to work, and then running errands. I travel quite a bit to ride my horses in Georgia, so that is a huge part of my life and day to day. Especially when I am getting ready for a horse show. The big Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show is this month, and it is my favorite show.
MY FAMILY INCLUDES… my boys and my parents. We all live here, so we are fortunate to get together often. It is absolutely the best.

THE ONE THING I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT IS… my family. We are always here for each in good times and in bad. Especially my sister and best friend, Ellen. I couldn’t do life without her.


WHEN I WAS YOUNGER, I WANTED TO… work in journalism writing for a newspaper. I wrote for the newspaper in school, and it was fun and interesting.
THE SONG I WOULD SING AT KAROKE NIGHT IS… “We are Family” with my family!

THE ONE PERSON WHO MOTIVATES ME IS… my family motivates me every day in some way, but I would say I am good at motivating myself.

THE LAST THING THAT MADE ME LAUGH OUT LOUD WAS… my new dogs, Millie and Poppy playing together.

THE PERFECT DAY IS… I have a few perfect days. Spending time with my husband and my adult kids is a perfect day. My other perfect day is riding my horses and getting ready for a horse show. Horses are good for the soul and my family is very involved with Arabian horses. I have been showing off and on since I was 10. I have been doing it steadily as an adult since my kids were a little older. My niece will be showing at the Scottsdale show this month, so I am very excited about that.
MY FAVORITE LOCAL NONPROFIT IS… Camelot Therapeutic in Scottsdale. They have an amazing program for children and adults with disabilities.

THE BEST GIFT I’VE EVER RECEIVED WAS… I have received many wonderful gifts. My children being one, but if we are talking material things, my horses would be it. I have had the privilege of owning some amazing horses and still do.

MY DREAM VACATION WOULD BE… my dream vacation is anywhere I go with my husband, where we can forget about the everyday things in life and just spend time with each other.

THE BEST PIECE OF ADVICE I’VE EVER RECEIVED IS… I come from a family of hard, honest workers and I would say the best advice I have ever received is “treat others how you want to be treated.” I try to remember that.