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Why would I want to be using CBD at a time like this; a worldwide coronavirus outbreak? There are numerous reasons, including the effects that thinking about this genuinely has on you. Can we battle coronavirus anxiety with CBD?

Social distancing is now being applied, but many are feeling the damaging effects on their mental health of not staying connected with those they care about. It’s no joke that this pandemic has halted our lives and changed everything we knew about our daily routines and habits.

CBD is usually used for its overall general wellness, or to target specific symptoms such as pain, anxiety, insomnia, and more. When it comes to helping ease the anxiety of the the novel coronavirus, knowing how CBD interacts with our bodies may help alleviate and prevent symptoms you may be experiencing.

In order to understand how CBD can be used as a preventative measure, we first need to understand how CBD interacts with the naturally occurring Endocannabinoid System (ECS) within our bodies. When we are in homeostasis, or balance, the body has a perfect balance between polar opposites. The more robust your homeostasis is, the healthier you are. This means that the more active and balanced your physiological systems are, you are more likely to maintain a healthy body. When one part of our physiological systems gets thrown off, they all become unbalanced.
What do we normally do when we experience sickness or a symptom of that sort? We go see our doctor, and they usually prescribe us pharmaceuticals to ease the symptoms.

Typical prescriptions are formulated to only deal with one shift in homeostasis, not all of them. So what happens when you start taking this new drug, and another shift occurs? You feel pain in your hip now when you walk on a nerve, or you are irritable and moodier than usual. Did this drug cause another shift from its side effects?

Pharmaceuticals cover symptoms, but CBD covers systems by balancing out the individual symptoms. When you ingest CBD, it goes directly to the nucleus of your cells where proteins are manufactured and modulates the transcription of over 1,100 genes for signaling molecules that naturally balance out the body. These signaling molecules differ for each bodily system: neurotransmitters for the nervous system, hormones for the endocrine system, and cytokines for the immune system. In short, CBD helps alter the signaling molecules that our body needs by reducing inflammation in the central nervous system and immune system and restoring optimal homeostasis.

Our immune system is made up of over 350 different signaling molecules, so if one shifts, they all shift. CBD comes in and creates a cascade of homeostasis within these shifts.

The ECS was discovered in 1992 in Israel as the largest network of cells with receptors for CBD in our entire physiology. Our bodies naturally produce endocannabinoids such as Anandamide, known as the bliss molecule, and 2AG, commonly found in mother’s milk to induce calmness while breastfeeding. Cannabinoids have also been discovered within the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system, bone marrow, intestines, spleen, bladder, and the lymph systems; proving cannabinoids as essential for proper human health.

Leaving inflammation untreated within the body can result in major ailments that require far more time and energy than if we prevented them in the first place. In regards to our immune systems, inadequate treatment may result in autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis, IBD, lupus, thyroid issues, fibromyalgia, MS, skin disorders, psoriasis, eczema, and chronic infections. The brain may be affected resulting in ‘brain fog,’ migraines, epilepsy, anxiety, PTSD, ADD, ADHD, autism, and insomnia.

Knowing this puts the use and benefits of CBD into proper perspective as to how we can be helping ourselves at this time. Coronavirus anxiety can be fought with CBD, and does not have to overpower your daily life. CBD may provide tremendous healing and relief through the ECS that brings balance to the central nervous system and immune system.

Of course, if you or a loved one is showing symptoms of the novel coronavirus, please call your healthcare provider and follow all guidelines posted by the CDC.