Photo courtesy of Arizona Live Music Cooperative

As the autumn breeze sets in, there’s a fresh melody in the air! The beloved Arizona Live Music Cooperative (AZLMC) has moved to a new address, and it’s creating quite a buzz in the Phoenix music scene. Having made their transition to Aunt Chilada’s on September 18, the cooperative has found a new rhythm in their new abode.

Located at 7330 N. Dreamy Draw Dr., in Phoenix, Aunt Chilada’s isn’t just any venue. A cherished, family-owned establishment that has served the Phoenix community for decades, it boasts a sprawling outdoor patio and multiple rooms. And while patrons can enjoy the famous Aunt Chilada menu and beverages, AZLMC ensures its primary focus remains – providing a dedicated listening room segregated from the main restaurant.
The move not only brings the AZLMC a tad closer for their southern fans but also continues their legacy of being north siders. Having shifted six times in just nearly three years, the cooperative is no stranger to change. But each move amplifies their commitment to their mission: crafting spaces where music reigns supreme and the community’s spirit shines bright.
Speaking of community, AZLMC’s commitment isn’t just to tunes and notes. As an Arizona nonprofit, they’ve managed to donate thousands to various noble causes in Phoenix, including Studio 164, Shoebox Ministries, Grounded 32, and The Alice Cooper Teen Center, among others. And while a $5 donation from patrons is always welcome, it’s never obligatory. The gathered funds go into maintaining the open mic nights, with surpluses generously forwarded to other deserving charities.

The recent launch of AZLMC at Aunt Chilada’s wasn’t just successful; it was monumental. Packed to the rafters, the night witnessed enthralling open mic performances, and a standout concert featuring Annie Moscow and the Cool People. The flawless execution, achieved in less than a week, speaks volumes of the relentless efforts by Cowboy Wrecks (David T. Finfarra), Gwen Jorgenson, El Bisko, Aunt Chilada’s staff, and the entire music community of Phoenix.

For those eager to immerse in Phoenix’s pulsating musical heart, the nonprofit AZLMC Open Mic beckons every Monday night. Swing by and experience the magic yourself!

For more information, visit