By Dr. Jenna Dye, Naturopathic Physician

It’s summertime! Many of us are preparing for some fun summer getaways. It is important to remain healthy while traveling. Here are some helpful tips to keep you and your family healthy while you enjoy those well-deserved vacations.

Immune System support: I always travel with the immune system essentials. I bring vitamin C and vitamin D for general support. This is great to take the days leading up to travel or daily to enhance the immune response. I also like to bring elderberry for the entire family. Elderberry is an herb that is great for supporting and boosting the immune system. You can take it daily for immune maintenance.

Hydration: When we travel, our water intake typically decreases. We do not want the burden of having to stop so frequently to use the bathroom. When we get dehydrated, we can have more inflammation in the body. It is important to drink at least half your weight in ounces each day. I will often suggest adding electrolytes while traveling too. Make a conscious effort to stay hydrated while traveling.
Eating out: Food is one of the most exciting parts of a vacation and I love exploring new places to eat and trying new foods. Often, we go off our regular eating habits while on vacation. It can be helpful to find a place to stay that has a kitchen, this way you can plan to make a few meals. I always recommend healthy road trip snacks for those long trips. Trail mix, fruit, healthy bars are always a great idea and if you have snacks packed you are less likely to stop at a convenience store and grab those less healthy options.

Stay Active: If you have a long flight, make sure to get up at least once per hour and walk a bit for better circulation. Find fun family activities that include hiking and exploring. Take a nice long walk after a big meal. If on a long road trip, take breaks at a park or an area where everyone in the car can enjoy some movement.

Digestion: I have many patients who struggle with constipation and traveling does not help. Our diets are usually different while traveling and water intake is much lower. These two things alone can contribute to constipation. A naturopathic physician can work with you prior to a vacation to help support the gastrointestinal tract to find the root cause of constipation or provide helpful tips to ensure regularity while traveling.

Stress: The goal of vacation is to leave the stress behind but sometimes traveling can be stressful. If possible, plan some “down time” while on vacation to recuperate and relax. You can also work with your naturopathic physician prior to traveling to support those stress hormones.