HI, MY NAME IS… Nicole Spracale.

I’VE LIVED IN TEMPE/CHANDLER FOR 27 YEARS AND I LOVE IT BECAUSE… there are so many places to gather, shop, and dine.

A TYPICAL DAY IN MY LIFE INCLUDES… getting up early to enjoy some coffee and plan out my day before my husband and daughter both head out the door. I work from home with clients and colleagues on both coasts, and tend to jump between zoom calls, chats, and emails throughout my day. By the time everyone gets home, I’ve probably gone through about six to eight meetings, several dozens of emails, and many online conversations and joint team plans for the initiatives we want to accomplish in the weeks ahead. I love what I do and wouldn’t change a thing about it!

MY FAMILY IS… my husband Steve, who is a remarkable educator and currently works at Connolly Middle School (which he also attended); our daughter Haley, who is finishing up her master’s program at ASU; and, our chocolate lab, Zonk. My in-laws (mother, father, sister, and brother) all live very close by as well, which is one of my great joys.

ONE THING I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT IS… family time. I married into a very large family, and while we don’t all gather as often as I would like, I couldn’t imagine not being able to see each other as frequently and easily as we all do.

MY FAVORITE MOVIE I COULD NEVER GET TIRED OF WATCHING AND WHY IS… “The Notebook.” The story is so beautiful, and James Garner reminds me of Dad. Something about how he looks in the last few scenes, and the way he was so devoted to the character of Allie, it brings me the best memories of my parents.

WHEN I WAS YOUNGER, I WANTED TO BE… an actress on the Broadway stage.

THE SONG I WOULD SING AT KARAOKE NIGHT IS… Oh goodness, this is hard because I always mess up the words! I absolutely would want to pick a song that others can come up on stage with me so when I mess up, I have friends next to me for the recovery! Right now, I’m feeling “American Pie” or “Piano Man.”
THE ONE PERSON WHO MOTIVATES ME IS… a tough one. I’m really motivated by both my daughter and my husband. Thinking of either one is all I need to push through when I hit a tough spot. I always want to do my best for them both.

THE LAST THING THAT MADE ME LAUGH OUT LOUD WAS… spelling is one my greatest challenges in life. A friend of mine sent me a meme that read, “I’m a strong, intelligent, college educated woman …” and then showed the person spelling out “Wed-nes-day.”

Way too funny and true … I always have to spell it out that way, and I have zero problem admitting it! I laughed very hard.

THE PERFECT DAY IS… getting up early and enjoying a cup of coffee on the couch with my dog, then reading the news. Then I’ll head to a farmers market with my daughter. I love walking around with her to buy vegetables and fruits fresh for the week. We’ll choose someplace for a nice breakfast, and head over to pick up a few other items from the market. Then I’ll spend the next few hours in my happy place – my kitchen. Cooking different dishes for the week ahead brings me so much joy, especially if I can share some of it with friends and family. When I’m done, I’ll get to read for a little bit or maybe listen to a podcast that I’ve set aside. Then we’ll head out for a nice family dinner, often trying a new restaurant we haven’t been to before. Then we’ll come home and enjoy time together before bed. It sounds rather simple, and I really enjoy the moments of being together and sharing time.

MY FAVORITE LOCAL NONPROFIT IS… Tempe Community Council, which is focused on helping connect those in need with those who care.

MY LIFE IS… amazing. I am lucky to have a loving family, great friends, work that energizes me and keeps me challenged. And, while I continue to push to see what more I can do, or accomplish, I’m beyond grateful for each day.

MY DREAM VACATION WOULD BE… a few summers back I got to go to Milan, Italy, for the first time. It’s so beautiful. I would love to go back to Italy and spend time in Tuscany and explore more of the Italian countryside. To see the architecture, hear stories of people past and present, how they live their lives, eat the food and drink the wine, that all sounds like an amazing dream to me.

THE BEST PIECE OF ADVICE I’VE EVER RECEIVED IS… don’t be so afraid of failing that you wind up being afraid of success. Part of being successful is making mistakes and failing. If the need to get it right, and not fail becomes too big, you stop taking the chances necessary to go big after success too.