The city of Tempe is extending an invitation to community groups and organizations to take an active role in the upcoming city council elections by applying to host a candidate forum. These forums are designed to enhance public understanding of the candidates vying for seats on the Tempe City Council.

The city has earmarked the Tempe History Museum, located at 809 E. Southern Ave., as the venue for these forums. Interested parties can choose from three available dates for the events: December 20, January 16, and February 7. Each forum is scheduled to run from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
There are specific rules governing the conduct of these forums. All officially recognized candidates must be invited, with a requirement that at least 51% of the candidates attend for the event to be recorded and broadcasted. The sponsoring organization is tasked with confirming candidate attendance in writing.

Applicants are required to provide their organization’s name, the name and phone number of a representative, and their preferred date. It’s important to note that the opportunities to host will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
The forums will be live streamed by Tempe 11 and available on the city’s website, with no options for virtual participation. Each event is taped live, without possibilities for retakes or content editing.

It’s crucial for organizations to understand and adhere to state laws concerning the use of municipal resources in election-related activities. The forums are required to be impartial and purely informational.

Any forum not in compliance with these guidelines risks cancellation. The city of Tempe also maintains the right to omit any content deemed unlawful or inappropriate from broadcasts.

A disclaimer will be aired before, during, and after each televised forum to clarify the responsibilities of the city of Tempe, Tempe 11, the sponsoring organization, and the candidates themselves. This is in line with state laws mandating neutrality and equal opportunity for all candidates’ viewpoints.

For more information or to apply, interested parties should reach out to Kris Baxter-Ging at the city of Tempe. She may be reached at 480-250-5198 or via email at [email protected].